Build durable integration features

Easily develop even the most complex integration use cases your customers need with our extensible Workflow Builder.

Support any native integration use case

From event-driven workflows to bi-directional syncs, any integration use case your customers want can be built on Paragon.

Build efficiently with pre-built components

Define new integration features in just a few steps.

1. Define a trigger event

Every workflow starts with a triggering event, which can easily be defined within Paragon whether it's:
An event that occurs in your app
An external event (through a webhook/custom trigger)
A set interval (for scheduled syncs)
Learn more

2. Skip the 3rd party API docs

Save your team from weeks of parsing 3rd party API docs with pre-built integration components.
Try it now

3. (Optional) Write custom functions

Easily extend the capabilities of the Workflow Builder and build any integration feature with our Integration Request and Function steps.
Make requests directly to 3rd party API
Import JS libraries and npm packages
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4. Design and embed the UI

Provide your customers a seamless way to configure the integration feature to fit their needs with our embeddable, white-labeled UI that provides out-of-the-box:
User-defined settings (ie. which Slack channel)
Custom field mapping
Learn more

Integration maintenance streamlined

Shipping integrations is only the start - offload integration maintenance with:
3rd party integration
Robust error
Auto-scaling &

Learn more about Connect API

Limits off. Our Connect API enables you to have full access to any 3rd party integration’s API endpoints

Build your next integration in minutes

Join 100+ SaaS companies that are scaling their integration roadmaps with Paragon.