Build any SaaS integration on Paragon

Rapidly scale and centralize your integration infrastructure with our Custom Integration Builder.

All the benefits of Paragon's infrastructure

Paragon's Custom Integration builder makes it simple to integrate your product with any app provider.

Fully-Managed Authentication

Offload authentication for any 3rd party integration

Never build auth again for any OAuth or API keys based integration.
Paragon securely handles the authorization flow and manages each service's access/refresh token mechanisms for you.

Visual Workflow Builder

Easily implement any integration logic

Make requests to any endpoint on the 3rd party service's API with the benefits of our Workflow Builder.

Easily build and test your integration logic
Workflows will execute with high concurrency in a high-availability runtime
Embedded UI - Connect Portal

Provide a seamless end-user experience

Whether you want to customize the Connect Portal for your custom integration or use our Headless UI, easily embed the integration auth/configuration experience right in your app.

Ready to get started?

Join 100+ SaaS companies that are scaling their integration roadmaps with Paragon.

"Our team asked me "how the heck did we get Slack integrated so quickly?" We're now ramping up our onboarding thanks to our ability to easily add integrations through Paragon."

Garrett Hampton
CTO of Mainstem

"Paragon not only saved us weeks of engineering time delivering a Salesforce integration for our customers, we can now consistently ship new integrations."

Rudy Lai
Co-Founder of QuantCopy

"Paragon helped us quickly ship a Slack integration that we were always putting on the back burner. Now it’s live and serving happy customers in under a month."

Oleg Zaremba
Co-founder & CTO of AXDRAFT

"We love Paragon because in the time it took us to setup one integration, we can now enable 10+ integrations without any extra engineering work.”

Peter Clark
Co-Founder, CEO of Journey